Posts tagged Travel
Day 9 – The Final Day in Copenhagen

Later that morning we awoke and got our things together. We’d be checking out shortly. We had been blessed with beautiful weather everywhere we went so far, but our luck couldn’t hold out forever. Copenhagen’s weather resumed being Copenhagen weather and a heavy, soaking rain was on the forecast for the entire day. We checked out of the hotel and headed towards the nearest public transportation. We were going to head in the direction of our ferry (read as Cruise Ship if you are American) and grab some breakfast somewhere. We happened on a small cafe restaurant called “Katz”. We shook off the rain from our rain coats and headed in to be seated. It was a cozy little place and welcome shelter from the rain.

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Day 8 – A Class in Danish Baking and The Reffen Open-Air Street Food Market

On the docket for 2nd day in Copenhagen was a baking class in the Danish Style. This would be our only baking class for this trip, and we were eager to get our hands on some dough. The morning of, we hopped on the underground metro, which was very clean, sleek, and modern. The metro train was also blazing fast, and before we could say “I wonder how long this will take”, we were in the neighborhood of where the class would take place.

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Day 6 – See You Later, Stockholm!

By this time in our trip the traveler's cold had firmly taken up residence in our chests, noses, and throats. We all woke up feeling quite rough, but we were determined to have a nice final day in Stockholm. We once again packed up our belongings, bid farewell to our Gamla Stan apartment, and headed for Stockholm Centralstation. Conveniently, this was just a short walk from Gamla Stan. Inconveniently, it was still very, very hot out in Sweden. Mixing heat with a strong cold was less than ideal, but we marched on regardless.

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Day 5 – A Tour of Bakeries

Some time ago, we announced our intention to go on a trip across Northern Europe, hitting the Nordic capitals of Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, and Copenhagen. Shortly after that, a customer of ours reached out to us and let us know that he knew a baker named Mattias over in Sweden and that he could introduce us. Obviously, we were excited about this as we didn’t have any contacts or connections in any of these cities, so this would be a chance for us to get a better look at Swedish baking culture.

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